
24 Nov 2010

Christmas books for older kids

Thanks lovely ladies for all of your help yesterday. There are some fantastic suggestions.

Thanks, especially Erin for your links - and for your suggestion, Lisa, of the delicious looking Treasury. I've compiled a list of my favourites from the suggestions, and I thought that I would share it here for those of you who are interested in read-alouds for the 8-10 year old age group or so as I was.

Remember though, I've only read the ones in bold. The links are from to my mate Abe.

So there you are. If none of these catch your fancy, be sure to check out some of the wonderful links in the comments here.

And thanks again.

Anybody else love Christmas read-alouds as much as me?


  1. We love them, too! I've had all our snow/Christmas books hidden in my closet for the last month. Wanna keep "Schnitzle, Schnotzle, & Schnootzle" for our December reading :)

    Thanks, Jeanne, for asking the question and thanks everyone for the comments. I've printed the list as we're off to the library today.

    Enjoy all your Christmas reads!

  2. Jeanne

    You're welcome:)

    Love the list you have compiled. You've inspired me that I should really write up one for the older teens.

  3. The Best Christmas Pageant Ever is a classic! I remember my teacher reading it aloud to the class when I was in the fourth grade. That was back when you could actually mention Jesus in public schools, of course.


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...